Keys to
lasting fruit

The first 24 hours…

What happens to new believers in their first 24 hours and the weeks that follow is crucial. In fact, a solid foundation in the Word of God is a matter of life and death for every new believer.

BibleKeys will help you and your coworkers to lay this foundation. We plan to include teaching for at least the first 24 weeks of a new believer’s life.

Topics will include

Living in Christ

How faith grows

Freedom of the Holy Spirit

A School of Prayer


The Gifts of the Spirit


A life of holiness

The first five lessons
are available for you
to use today

For small groups
or campaigns

The leader of one of South Asia’s largest church-planting movements
had this to say:

The best I’ve seen for leading people into faith and instructing them in the first steps of the Christian life.

There’s nothing better for leading people into faith and instructing them in the first steps of the Christian life.

  • Train your leaders by listening to teaching sessions recorded in China
    (English-Chinese). <Download MP3 audio files>
  • Give “The Gate to Life” to new believers, young people, home groups
  • Form small groups that meet each week
  • Go through “The Gate to Life” and search the Scriptures together
  • You will give your people a solid foundation!

Church planters in South Africa had this to say:

We are excited about the discipleship training course we have implemented using “The Gate to Life” booklet. The teaching is bearing fruit… Eight people at the first course received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. We were so blessed, as all of them had found great difficulty for a very long time in receiving and understanding this teaching.

You can host “BibleKeys” on your own website. If you wish, you could invite people to respond directly to you or your team. Please contact us for details click here 

Use BibleKeys as a correspondence course. In India, radio ministries sent BibleKeys to listeners who wanted to know more about Jesus or the Bible.

Other uses include:

  • TV outreaches
  • Tract follow-up
  • Equipping believers in remote places

What leaders say about
“The Gate To Life”

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